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Myriam Ben Salem

On Relationships


A Simple But Counterintuitive Way To Measure Your Fear’s Level

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

You know that feeling you get when you’re about to publish a post? The angel on one shoulder says that this post will be moving your readers, making them see their life-time conditioning for what it truly is, and realize through your story not only how possible it is to break free from it, but also that the outcome of unleashing the servant leader in them is fully worth the price to be paid. Meanwhile, the devil on the other shoulder is enjoying teasing you and ridiculing your silly dream of making such a difference in people’s lives.

First things first, let me clarify this article is not targeting cruel people in any case: the ones who can mistreat their own pets, push your pets away every time they try to say hello, or senselessly bully animals in the street.

Animals are living things as we are. For evil people, they show a disregard for the living. The cruelty simply demonstrates a non-existent connection to other living organisms. More to the point, they lack the empathy to identify with another breathing creature, and are simply too egotistical to care!

This being clarified, and in the quality of an unapologetic truth-teller, I need to admit my interactions with animals were too limited up to two years ago. Some of them even got nervous whenever we accidentally meet; which was forcing me to disappear as quickly as possible, while making sure to control my anxiety as much as I could.

Are you curious to understand the root causes of such superficial relationships with animals? I hope you are since I am planning to explore it anyway! 😁

Animals’ reaction is basically trying to inform us about the following:

  • We are probably too left-brained. That is, we are being scripted deeply in logical and verbal thinking, which turns to be totally inadequate in solving problems requiring a great deal of creativity.

  • We are insecure. We are afraid. All our life choices, decisions or lack of them are driven by fear. Of what? The unknown, failure, others’ judgment, being rejected, humiliated, disappointed, hurt, betrayed, taken advantage of. Also, not being heard or understood, worthy of respect, love, appreciation, belonging, and the list goes on…
In other words, it’s not that animals don’t like you, folks! They rather don’t like your fear. Your anxiety makes them nervous. They don’t like the fact that you are a prisoner of your unfriendly subconscious program, and not giving yourself the permission to reach your beautiful heart, feel, be truly present and get amazed!

I know exactly how it feels and I used to hate it. My relationship with human beings was not that good neither. I was a people pleaser craving their acceptance and love, and unable of intimacy at the same time.

This is what we call the “Fearful-avoidant” attachment style. That was the “before the transformation era”. Why am I sharing this with you? The answer is straightforward: connecting on a deep level with all living creatures is what makes this life worth living. That’s where the real magic is happening!

One of the most incredible outcomes of the transformation is unleashing unlimited amounts of love and affection for the whole universe! I love all animals, but I have a secret preference for butterflies and dogs. I gathered for you, today, a small collection of my unique, simple, and pure connections with the latter species:

The Husky in the parc

I was reading my book when I saw a beautiful Husky coming to my direction with the owner. My face suddenly sparkled. I was having ❤❤ in the place of my eyes. They became even bigger when noticing a puppy coming from behind. She was dragging her owner who was resisting in the absence of my permission. Hats off to you Sir!

It was a quick and tender moment with her. She, then, retracted and let her kid play with me. The sensation was indescribable. It was as if all the cuteness and love of the universe were summarized in that puppy.

Moral of the story: The mother instinctively needed to check whether it was safe for him to play with me. She was generous and sacrificed her time for her baby. I felt so honored and humbled… This feeling is ingrained in my heart and will stay with me forever!

The thirsty couple

I went for a walk. It was a hot day. I saw a couple of dogs. They seemed too thirsty. I was a bit far from home. There was a car wash. I asked the guy for a basin filled with water.

The couple of dogs was running towards me — or the basin to be very accurate 🙃😁😅. That was so beautiful, and I was beyond moved!

After they finished, I took the basin back to the guy, and asked him whether he could keep it outside for any animal around who might be needing it.

He asked “Hold on! Aren’t they YOUR dogs?” To which I responded “Nope! They’re nobody’s dogs and, thus, have no way to get some clean water from their owner”.

The guy was having such a funny facial expression — the combination of confusion and impression, you know — before adding “Really?” I said “Yes! Will you please?” And his final words were:

Of course, I will. By the way, thank you on behalf of all animals!

My Indian friend

I rarely take photos or videos; I am 100% guilty! I am so immersed in the moment, that I can’t think of anything else apart from fully enjoying it. I visited Mumbai during last February to give a speech in the HRD Congress. Should you be interested, I summarized my fabulous stay here.

During the last night, I was walking in the streets of Mumbai with one of my new friends. We saw a black dog. I naturally went to his direction. Fortunately, my friend captured the moment:

From the author's YouTube channel


We are responsible for creating magic in our life by progressively killing our insecurities, and reconnecting with our inner world. It might seem not tempting in the beginning. It might even seem nonsense. But the outcomes are worth your efforts!

The equation is quite simple: Are you willing to continue living in your anxious mind, operating on auto-pilot and stealing some short moments of joy, or do you prefer coming back to your core part, setting your inner child free, discovering the meaning of a stable inner-peace, and creating heaven on earth after paying the price?

The choice is yours. Choose wisely and your future self will be grateful to your current one!
A Simple But Counterintuitive Way To Measure Your Fear’s Level Reviewed by Myriam Ben Salem on January 06, 2021 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. this article is really amazing it's attractive , i read it many times and i really love it 😍


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