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Myriam Ben Salem

On Relationships


Who am I?

Who am I?

I am deeply passionate about everything life has to offer. Writing has been my very favorite means to educate my audience, captivate their attention, talk to their emotions, and make them relate and take action.

I have been honored by working as a columnist for BIZCATALYST 360°, an Award-Winning life, culture, and biz new media digest, serving as the global hub for enhanced performance and well-being, during 2020. Also, I am a contributing author in Mayhem to Miracles: True Stories of Courage, Triumph, and Peace.

I am so in love with writing that I have a peaceful smile drawn on my face whenever I start visualizing the books I will be writing for whoever will be tempted to discover an inclusive philosophy breaking with all the stigmas!

I was born in Tunisia, a small country in North Africa. I did pretty much everything earlier than the average: walking, talking, singing, dancing. Promoted throughout my entire education, I was also the leader of every end-of-year party.

At some point, after working several years for multinational companies as an engineer, team leader, project coordinator, and product owner while always being a top performer, I figured out I was feeling miserable despite the 'perfect external image'.

That marked the starting point of an existential crisis followed by an episode that triggered my re-birth and the beginning of the most rewarding adventure of my whole existence: re-writing my subconscious program and reconnecting with my true self.

I was saved at the last moment through an out-of-body experience making me see all the lies, and realize this gigantic Universe was not revolving around me. Most importantly, I was able to visualize I was here to leave a legacy like all of you, no matter how big or small! The butterfly took time to emerge though.

Today, I identify myself as a Universal Citizen. Like-minded and light-hearted people are what I call home. I was humbled by being granted the edutainer qualifier: a combination between education and entertainment!

I educate on the importance of healing unsuspected traumas, seeing our limiting beliefs and biases with honest lenses, finding one's purpose and a principled mission that goes beyond the self, and unleashing the hidden potential so that to leave our legacy for the generations unborn.

I have been using a panoply of means that could vary from explicit ones such as mentorship, speaking, and writing, a skill that emerged naturally during my self-actualization process to implicit mediums like storytelling, how I daily show up in the world and model servant leadership!

Writing is my very favorite and most preferred tool deployed for my mission. The topics I explore are in the nexus of stoic philosophy, psychology, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, and pretty much any topic involving human behavior. Common denominator? The quality of the subconscious program.

My quotes that speak my voice

  • When you are beaten, you know the origin of your physical hurt and that you were mistreated. When you are sexually abused, you also have no doubt about what you endured. Interestingly, when you are psychologically abused especially in a subtle way, you aren’t able to tell exactly what’s happening. Result? You start questioning your own worth.

  • You deserve freedom. You owe it to yourself. You are anything but selfish whenever you decide to stand up for yourself.

  • Bravery is not the absence of fear. It is the realization the fire in our hearts is worth taking the risk of being sometimes afraid.

  • We all come to this life, spend some time and go. How would you like to be remembered? As a human ‘doing’ who spent their entire life trying to prove their worth through their achievements and personal success, or as a principled human ‘being’ and a servant leader who never stopped doing the right thing and contributing to uplifting the world?

  • Your sanity matters. Without putting your mask of oxygen first, you won’t be able to be of any help to anyone anyway.

  • Re-writing the subconscious program is painful. This pain is the price to be paid and can reach some ‘seemingly’ unbearable levels from time to time because of our unhealthy ego resistance. What could help raise our bravery level again? Being aware we are doing that work for much bigger than our small self: for our kids, for the generations unborn, for the universe. You are more powerful than you could ever imagine.

  • It seems to me that success was some invented concept to give ego-driven individuals some sense of worth since intrinsic worth was discriminated against. We are all winners even before being born. Our power has merely been taken by the grownups conditioning making us look for some external elements to feel better about ourselves. The good news is that we can always take it back!

  • Dance even if you are ridiculed by everybody. Sing even when no one wants to listen to you. Love freely and genuinely despite your broken heart. Live in the heaven of your world to which you invite only those who deserve a ticket.

  • If we want to give ourselves a real chance to fix this superficial, selfish, and broken world we are living in, we need to stop enabling narcissists in the first place. To all the kind-hearted individuals: you are the secret weapon. Please listen to the call and educate yourself. You matter to our world!

  • Don’t say anything online or offline that would not be aligned with the authentic and principle-centered you. It doesn’t matter who would see it! If you are a person of integrity, you are the one who would not accept it.

  • When science and spirituality marry, divinity is born!

  • Your center is the foundation of your love manifestation. If your center is your children, the love that manifests from that will, mostly, benefit your children. If your center is the ‘Principles’, the manifestation of your love will benefit the Universe!

  • Be the melody people would love to dance on, the sunshine people would love to lay under, the breeze people would love to feel on their face, the sunset in front of which people would love to stand motionless!

  • There are so many things I ignore, so many I will probably never know, so many I will always have some doubt about! But what I know for sure is my being, and the power of our energy and free acts of kindness in uplifting and inspiring people around us, and in building trust in the long run.

  • We are all seeds of greatness waiting for us to break the shields, clean the conditioning dust, and develop them. There is no suitable day to start the most rewarding investment of your whole life. Any day is a good day to commit to the adventure.

  • Taking one’s responsibility to change what we were not responsible for creating in the first place — our subconscious program — is probably the highest level of strength and wisdom.

  • You listened to the integrity call; you honored it; you decided to pay the price. What comes out of it is none of your business.

Who am I? Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on December 27, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. ma chère Myriam, c'est toujours un privilège pour moi de te lire, très contente et surtout très reconnaissante de t'avoir connue, et l'être spirituelle que tu es, en effet je sens ta grande passion qui déborde, pleine de vie, d'amour et toujours pétillante, un grand bravo pour ta reconversion professionnelle, et le "choix" que tu as fait pour faire de ton don ta vocation, et je suis parfaitement d'accord sur le mariage de la spiritualité et la science n'est que divinité ; tu en est la preuve tangible .


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