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Myriam Ben Salem

On Relationships


I Am Invited To Talk About My Un-birthday Gift Miracle!

Miracles are Real!

Hope is the magic elixir that can transform life’s troubles into a sense of grace and meaning. Experience modern-day miracles as 30 inspiring individuals share their high-fives and down-lows of moving through physical challenges, abusive relationships, addictions, lost and found love, and more.

Be encouraged by the personal testimonies and triumphant stories of everyday people and prominent figures. Each true story is a shining beacon for embracing life and moving through the Mayhem and into the Miracles. 

Sacred Stories Publishing
Paperback: $16.99, 294 pages, 6x9
Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-945026-78-2
Electronic ISBN: 978-1-945026-79-9
Order Info:
Guest for Your Show − Myriam ben Salem
Story − The Un-birthday Gift Miracle

Synopsis: When Myriam ben Salem decides to give up celebrating her birthday−forever−it was by far the most meaningful gift of her 36 years on earth.

Talking Points:

• She didn’t learn to respect and enjoy herself, so her relationships suffered. Myriam developed hyper-vigilance and was an expert in spotting any microscopic swing in someone’s mood and responded accordingly.

• After a first love−honeymoon period, the devaluation phase began. It was exceedingly subtle. He knew she was in the middle of an existential crisis. His brilliant attempt to deceive her into questioning her own perception of reality known as “gaslighting” had fertile ground.

• Myriam was about to end her life before being gracefully saved at the last moment through an out-of-body experience that marked her re-birth.

For Interviews:

Myriam ben Salem was born in Tunisia. Developmentally more advanced than the average child, she walked, talked, sang, and danced early. She was a top performer in her corporate career before realizing that her Imposter-Syndrome was damaging herself and those around her. Today, Myriam identifies herself as a Universal Citizen and is deeply passionate about everything life has to offer, including empowering others. More about her, here.

I Am Invited To Talk About My Un-birthday Gift Miracle! Reviewed by Khalil Gdoura on October 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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