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Myriam Ben Salem

On Relationships


How Am I Making The Best of This COVID-19 Lockdown?

 Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

The foundation of the four life-support factors: security, direction, judgment, and power.

I’ve been struggling to try to fulfill all the priorities linked to all the roles of my life mission — and I need to admit I still didn’t win 😇. Thus, I decided to care less about this balance and focus exclusively on value for now!

I am learning to appreciate exercising online with my gym besties

I spent a month in Sweden last year. I was invited by an amazing — to say the least — couple of friends. I won’t lie to you, but I was a bit skeptical before going since I’ve been living alone for a while. They know about it; we’re good 😁.

I started a silliness movement with family and friends and I’m laughing all day long

With all the fear and anxiety people have been vehiculating, I couldn’t think of better than making use of my silliness to get them to laugh! Thus, I’m acting like a 5-year-old kid adding effects to the video calls, and doing some idiot facial expressions.

I am walking my talk way more than at any time before

There are so many things I ignore; so many I will probably never know; so many I will always have some doubt about! But what I know for sure is my being and the power of our energy & free acts of kindness in uplifting people around us and in building trust in the long run!

What about some random and free acts of kindness?

Before the 24/7 lockdown, I was able to shoot a “Good morning” song from nature! Here is the video:

I am building my relationship with Dad

This might sound weird, but I need to admit I’ve never been close to my father… He is not the kind of person comfortable with showing emotions. Typically, the men-enough guys…

I am learning to appreciate being home

Before the lockdown, I was spending most of my days in co-working spaces when I don’t have meetings elsewhere. I was going home for lunch and then outside again and rarely back home before 8 pm.

How Am I Making The Best of This COVID-19 Lockdown? Reviewed by Myriam Ben Salem on November 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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