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Myriam Ben Salem

On Relationships


Have You Ever Had the Privilege To Receive a Tender Hug From Your Dermatologist?


My first volunteering program in the forest was harsh on my skin. When I was in my second program city, the serious infection and allergy were healed after taking three different kinds of antibiotics — one of which belongs to the heaviest injections prescribed by doctors against inflammations’ list, two medications for the allergy, and a cream.

I struggled with diarrhea, though, for three weeks, in all likelihood. My host took me to his office generalist doctor. The shock was clear on her face when I shared with her what my stomach administrated in such a short period.

She confirmed the diarrhea was a normal reaction. My immune system was confused, especially because I haven’t been taking any medicine for almost three years. She recommended seeing a dermatologist for the scars, which she seemed concerned about, judging by her facial expression.

I was on time for my dermatologist appointment after struggling with guaranteeing it was taken care of by my international insurance that I am using for the very first time in my life.

Interestingly, the receptionist doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Portuguese — sounds familiar, I know. The Rendezvous was early; probably at 9 am. Still, it didn’t stop our loud laughs. I wish there could be a camera filming our hilarious acting skills!

If you've come this far, maybe you might enjoy my upcoming free eBook about the whole tale! I'll be honored if you decide to stop by!

Have You Ever Had the Privilege To Receive a Tender Hug From Your Dermatologist? Reviewed by Myriam Ben Salem on September 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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